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Roadside Rest Areas in New South Wales / ACT

Arrawarra Rest Area

Rest Area

State Rest Area

NSW Rest Area - Panai Rd

Edgeroi Park Rest Area

Gravel Pit

Hidden Gravel Pit

Gravel Pit

West Of Sweeneys Lane Rest Area

Gravel Pit

State Forest Rest Area

Gravel Pit

Sturts Marked Tree Rest Area

Pull Over Spot To Stay Off The Road

Wirriwin Rest Area

BP Service Centre

Gulpa Island Gravel Pit & Truck Stop

Fowlers Gap Gravel Pit

Rest Area

Mountain Creek Rest Area

Rest Area -roadside

Emmaville Rd rest stop

Myrtle Mountain Rd Pull-off

Gravel Site

Gravel Pit

Federal Highway

Dingo Fence Rest Area

Balranald Roadhouse

Maree Lee Oval

Tia River Rest Area

Wallendbeen Rest Area (Mackay Park)

Milpara Rest Area

Stoney Creek Rest Area

Quaama Rest Area

Curlwaa Rest Area

Partridge VC Rest Area (Southbound)

Deerubbun Rest Area

Derrick VC Rest Area (Southbound Only)

Black Springs Rest Area

Berry Jerry Rest Area

Mid Western Highway Parking. 9ks NW of Grenf

Caragabal Rest Area

Bluff Rock Rest Area

Enngonia South Rest Area

Kinchela Rest Area

Rest Area: Great Western Highway, Mount Lambie

Tomingley North Rest Area

Billabong Creek Rest Area

The Rocks Rest Area

Mandurama East RA: 3Km E of Mandurama

Oxleys Crossing RA: 31Km E of Coonabaraban

Boggy Swamp Creek Rest Area

Gara River Rest Area

White Rocks Rest Area

Goolgowi Rest Area

John Oxley RA: 32ks S of Coonamble

Curraweena Rest Area

Telleraga Rest Area

Bulga Creek Rest Area

Matheson Rest Area

Saleyards Rest Area Gwydir

South Gunnedah Rest Area

Square Bush Rest Area

Fowlers Gap Rest Area

Kilgowlah Creek Rest Area

Sleepy Hollow Rest Area [Northbound Only]

Birdcage Reserve Rest Area

Rest Area Wambianna Rd Beside Macquarie R

Warren North Rest Area

Sandigo Rest Area

Yarada Rest Area

Mark Radium Park

Marys Rest Area

Mehi River RA: 91ks W of Moree

Mundoonan Southbound Rest Area

Firetail Rest Area

Cassilis Park Rest Area

Wallacetown Rest Area

Illabo Rest Area

Stockinbingal Rest Area

Marsden Rest Area (Southbound & Northbound)

Ravensworth Rest Area

Hughie Edwards VC Rest Area (Southbound)

East Ben Boyd Forest Rest Area

Little Billabong Rest Area

Escort Rock Rest Area, 5k NE Eugowra

Abercrombie River Rest Area

Gillenbah Rest Area

Borambola Rest Stop

Beryl Ex Gravel Pit

Browns Flat Rest Area -southbound

Twelve Mile Hill Rest Area (Nthbnd Only)

Newman Road Rest Area Southbound

Bohena Creek Rest Area - Behind Truck Area

Pilliga Rest Area

Boolooroo Rest Area

Browns Flat Rest Area Nth Bound

Larras Lee (Bell River) Rest Area

Mundanoon Northbound Rest Area

Wattaka Rest Area - Sth Bound

Border Rest Area

Lachlan River Rest Area

Yanco Weir Rest Area

Gwabegar Anzac Park

Kingsvale North Gravel Pit

Severn River Rest Area

Willis Rest Area and Camp Ground (NSW)

Gordon VC Rest Area Northbound

Nags Head Bridge Rest Area

Tookeys Creek Rest Area

Bendick Murrell Rest Area

Rest Stop

Bodalla Park Forest Rest Area

Tooraweenah Rest Area

Twelve Mile Creek Rest Area (Southbound)

Bewong Rest Area (northbound)

White Gate Rest Area

North Star Road Rest Area

Caragabal Rest Area

Mahda Rest Area

Yarraman Rest Area

Yalgogrin Rest Area (Clark Park)

Bundure Rest Area

Cawsey Park Rest Area

Nullen Rest Area

Battery Rock

Broken Dam Rest Area

Ardlethan Rest Stop

Sir William Bridges Rest Area

Medowie Road Rest Area

Capertee Rest Area

Tygong Creek Rest Area, Bumbaldry

Tapalin Rest Area

Mail Route Rest Area

Mungle Creek Rest Area

Redbank Rest Area

Seven Tree Rest Area

Birriwa Rest Area (Recreation Grounds, Campground)

Netallie Rest Area

North Peak Hill Rest Area

Tomingley South Rest Area

Craven Rest Area

Stratford Rest Area

Nowendoc Rest Area

Popiltah Lake Rest Area

Gamboola Rest Area

Marsden Rest Area (Northbound)

Willawa Rest Area

Waldrons Swamp Rest Area

Sandy Creek Rest Area

Spire View Rest Area - Southbound

Beckom Rest Area

Gilgunnia Goldfields Rest Area

Hillston Rest Area:

Blue Metal Rest Area

Woomargama Rest Area

Weelong Rest Area - Designated

Lowesdale Rest Area

Sandilands 'West of the Range' Rest Area

Gowan North Rest Area

Liverpool Ranges Rest Area

Clover Flat Rest Area

Bulla Park Rest Area

150th Meridian Rest Area

Mann River Rest Area

Woolabrar Rest Area. Near Bellata

Walcha East Rest Area

Wallagaraugh River Rest Area

Uralla South Rest Area

Marthaguy Rest Area - Designated

Chowne VC Rest Area (Northbound Only)

Pheasants Nest Service Centre Northbound

Baden Park Rest Area

Daroobalgie Rest Area (Nth bound)

Mallee Fowl RA: 38ks NW of Euston

Warri Reserve Rest Area

Black Stump Rest Area

Temora Rest Area

Ted Woolford Park Rest Area

Rest Area (W of Wirrinya)

David Gillon Park Rest Area

Gulargambone RA: 3Km N of Gulargambone

Wingadee RA: 53Ks S of Walgett

Lightning Ridge Rest Area

Anderson VC Rest Area

Bookham Rest Area

Marthaguy Rest Area

Kingsbury VC Rest Area

Willow Park Rest Area

Pevensey Rest Area

Talawahl Creek Rest Area

Wang Wauk Rest Area

Muswellbrook Rememberance Grove Vietnam Memorial R

Mullengudgery Rest Area

Sandy Creek Rest Area

Bogan Rest Area

Yamminba Rest Area

Oakey Creek Rest Area

Biddon Rest Area

Walcha North Rest Area

Tigers Gap Rest Area

Breelong Rest Area

Celtic Country Rest Area

Station Creek Rest Area

Gunderbooka Rest Area

Mackey VC Rest Area (Sthbound Only)

Gravel pit

Nugan Bend Rest Area: 10Km S of Griffith

Coopers Rest Area

Rest Area

Albury SS&A Club (Sailors, Soldiers & Airm

Prungle Mail Rest Area

Mingay RA, 11Km N of Gundagai

Sandside Rest Area

Brungle Bridge

Tumbarumba Town Parking

Gungal Rest Area. (Private Jackson VC Park)

Pheasants Nest Service Ctr Southbound

Rest Area

Rest Area Sth of Bourke

Rest Area

Roadside Rest Area

Burrabadine Rest Area

Medway Rest Area

Bron's Unofficial Rest Area

State Rest Area

Tumblong Rest Area

Widgiewa Rest Area

Euchareena Rest Area

Williwa North Rest Area

Canowindra Gravel Pit With A View

The Keyhole Rest Area

Tongaboo Rest Area

Daroobalgie Rest Area (Sth Side)

Braefield Rest Area

Jerrawangla Rest Area (southbound)

Kennedys Gap Roadside Rest Area Southbound

Mogo Rest Area

Rest Area Shannon Vale (Small Area)

Four Mile Hill Rest Area (Northbound)

Tomcat Creek Rest Area

Paddy's Rest Area

Gravel Pit

Newmans Rest Area

Bradney's Gap Rest Area

Myall Creek Rest Area

Rest Area

Cowan Rest Area

Bundjalung Rest Area (Northbound)

Clybucca Rest Area Northbound

Brocklehurst Rest Area

St Paul's Rest Area

Charcoal Tank Rest Area

Cow & Calf Rest Area

Trentham Hills Rest Area

Bowna Road Rest Area

Rest Area

Cato Bridge Rest Area

Branxton West Bound Rest Area

Cobban Creek Rest Area

The Junction Rest Area

Gravel Pit Pull Over

Gravel Pit Pull Over

Woomargama Way - gravel pit

Jerilderie South Rest Area

Sapling Creek Rest Area

Gravel Pit - Large Area

Clybucca Rest Area Southbound

Dumboy Creek Rest Area

Mount Ousley Rest Area Northbound

Barrier Hwy Rest Area

Beardy Plains Camp Ground

Nombi Gravel Pit

Big Ben Creek Rest Area

Gowan Rest Area - Southbound

Big Tree Rest Area

Byrock Rest Area

Barrys Creek Rest Area Southbound

Large Gravel Pit

NSW Rest Area (Dicken Park) Designated

Rixs Creek Rest Area

Barrys Creek Northbound Rest Area

Belah Hill Rest Area

Rest Area Dubbo

Fethers Gravel Pit

Gravel Pit.

Brewarrina Nth Rest Area

Off Road Rest Area

Parks Observatory Rest Area

Back Creek Rest Area

TRUCK STOP With Toilets

Quota Park Rest Area

Eleven Mile Rest Area

Thackaringa Rest Area

Hawkesbury Rest Area Southbound

Kentucky Rest Area

Forbes SW Rest Area

Willowvale Rest Area

Gravel Pit Unofficial Stop

Burdett Park-Football Field

Bloodwood Ridge Rest Area

Arrawarra RMS Rest Area

Pine Brush Rest Area (Northbound)

Pine Brush Rest Area (Southbound)

Mt Pleasant Rest Area

Kiga Bore Rest Area (Northbound)

Kiga Bore Rest Area (Southbound)

Gravel Pit

Gravel Pit

Gravel Pit

Big Tree Rest Area

Small Gravel Pit

Jacks camp

Large Gravel Pit

Baradine Rest Area

Gravel Pit

Garoolgan Rest Area

Gravel Pit. Disused. Nth Side Of Highway

Spire View Rest Area - North Bound

Roadside Gravel Pit

Gravel Pit

Matilda Wallace Rest Area

Percy "Nott" Rest Area

Rest Area

Glen Ayr Rest Area

Sleepy Hollow Rest Area [Southbound Only]

Swanbrook Rest Area

Tyagarah Rest Area

Wattaka Rest Area - West Bound

Nungarry Rest Area (South Bound Only)

Nyngan Rest Area

Yelgun Rest Area

Sussex Inlet Rest Area

Gravel Pit

Gravel Pit

Side Tracked Rest Area

Randwick Road Carpark


Pull In By The Creek

River Side Free Rest Area

Bombala rest area & playground

Twists House

Rest Area

speers point

Last resort

half way creek shell Servo

Caltex northbound

Birganbigal Rest Area (Truck Stop)

Hair Of The Dog Inn

australia park hotel

Brown Flat Rest Area

Rowland Reserve

new years eve 24

Free Parkup Jindabyne

Roadside Rest Area

crozier Field

Outside Johns river tavern

road site spot

gravel pit

fire hall

Lions Club Lookout

wall reserve

Road Side Rest Area

Ourimbah Rest Area

Mann river

Timor Rd

gravel pit

gravel creek junction

patch of grass

The Wool Rd cross Naval College Rd

Rest Area behind public toilet

gravel pit

Karuah Rest Stop

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