Roadside Rest Areas in New South Wales / ACT
West Of Sweeneys Lane Rest Area
Pull Over Spot To Stay Off The Road
Gulpa Island Gravel Pit & Truck Stop
Wallendbeen Rest Area (Mackay Park)
Partridge VC Rest Area (Southbound)
Derrick VC Rest Area (Southbound Only)
Mid Western Highway Parking. 9ks NW of Grenf
Rest Area: Great Western Highway, Mount Lambie
Mandurama East RA: 3Km E of Mandurama
Oxleys Crossing RA: 31Km E of Coonabaraban
John Oxley RA: 32ks S of Coonamble
Sleepy Hollow Rest Area [Northbound Only]
Rest Area Wambianna Rd Beside Macquarie R
Mehi River RA: 91ks W of Moree
Mundoonan Southbound Rest Area
Marsden Rest Area (Southbound & Northbound)
Hughie Edwards VC Rest Area (Southbound)
East Ben Boyd Forest Rest Area
Escort Rock Rest Area, 5k NE Eugowra
Browns Flat Rest Area -southbound
Twelve Mile Hill Rest Area (Nthbnd Only)
Newman Road Rest Area Southbound
Bohena Creek Rest Area - Behind Truck Area
Browns Flat Rest Area Nth Bound
Larras Lee (Bell River) Rest Area
Mundanoon Northbound Rest Area
Willis Rest Area and Camp Ground (NSW)
Gordon VC Rest Area Northbound
Twelve Mile Creek Rest Area (Southbound)
Yalgogrin Rest Area (Clark Park)
Tygong Creek Rest Area, Bumbaldry
Birriwa Rest Area (Recreation Grounds, Campground)
Marsden Rest Area (Northbound)
Spire View Rest Area - Southbound
Gilgunnia Goldfields Rest Area
Weelong Rest Area - Designated
Sandilands 'West of the Range' Rest Area
Woolabrar Rest Area. Near Bellata
Marthaguy Rest Area - Designated
Chowne VC Rest Area (Northbound Only)
Pheasants Nest Service Centre Northbound
Daroobalgie Rest Area (Nth bound)
Mallee Fowl RA: 38ks NW of Euston
Gulargambone RA: 3Km N of Gulargambone
Wingadee RA: 53Ks S of Walgett
Muswellbrook Rememberance Grove Vietnam Memorial R
Mackey VC Rest Area (Sthbound Only)
Nugan Bend Rest Area: 10Km S of Griffith
Albury SS&A Club (Sailors, Soldiers & Airm
Gungal Rest Area. (Private Jackson VC Park)
Pheasants Nest Service Ctr Southbound
Canowindra Gravel Pit With A View
Daroobalgie Rest Area (Sth Side)
Jerrawangla Rest Area (southbound)
Kennedys Gap Roadside Rest Area Southbound
Rest Area Shannon Vale (Small Area)
Four Mile Hill Rest Area (Northbound)
Bundjalung Rest Area (Northbound)
Mount Ousley Rest Area Northbound
Barrys Creek Rest Area Southbound
NSW Rest Area (Dicken Park) Designated
Barrys Creek Northbound Rest Area
Hawkesbury Rest Area Southbound
Pine Brush Rest Area (Northbound)
Pine Brush Rest Area (Southbound)
Kiga Bore Rest Area (Northbound)
Kiga Bore Rest Area (Southbound)
Gravel Pit. Disused. Nth Side Of Highway
Spire View Rest Area - North Bound
Sleepy Hollow Rest Area [Southbound Only]
Wattaka Rest Area - West Bound
Nungarry Rest Area (South Bound Only)
Bombala rest area & playground
Birganbigal Rest Area (Truck Stop)
The Wool Rd cross Naval College Rd
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