6D Eyre Peninsula,Flinders Ranges Adventure #WCEXP

Point of Interest


----- Take your budget further and get 5% off when you use the code WELWIKI5 on your booking through the link on WikiCamps. Enjoy your experience! ----- From the vast, wide-open spaces of the Eyre Peninsula and Flinders Ranges to the outback and the ocean, awaken your senses and fire your curiosity on this 6 Day 5 Night tour. Unearth ancient land and lose yourself among 540-million-year-old mountain ranges, sweeping gorges, bushland brimming with wildlife and rich Aboriginal history on one of the best Flinders Ranges tours. Venture to the Eyre Peninsula, winding from the red dirt to roaring ocean swells as you pull up in Port Lincoln, where you can sample the region's sought-after seafood, learn to surf and add a deeper meaning to your trip by volunteering at a koala conservation project. You'll also have the opportunity to swim with wild sea lions and come face-to-tooth with a Great White Shark - this tour is only limited by your imagination!

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Lat: -31.297148 Lng: 138.812064


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